Curated Just for You
Budget & Cash Flow
The art of a great budget will be foundational to your life long money journey.
Resource: Trū Budget & Spending Plan tips
Resource: Spending Plan Worksheet - New Grad
Resource: Spending Plan Worksheet
Resource: Budget Planner
Resource: Christmas gift app
Resource: Life event guide
Article: When to review your budget
Article: Budget app review
Article: Mint budget app alternatives
Article: 6 Reasons why you need a budget
Savings & Investing
Get your money working for you & build your wealth!
Resource: Setting up an emergency fund
Article: How you can deal with market volatility?
Article: What are market cycles - Bull vs Bear?
Article: Responsible Investing
Article: RRSP vs TFSA
The Wealth Building Mindset
Wealth building takes time, the right mindset & some great money habits!
Resource:Annual Money Jam Guide
Resource: Monthly Money Jam Guide (1-pager)
Resource: Monthly Money Jam Guide (Full Version)
Resource: 5 Money Mindset Questions
Resource:Getting mindful about your money & taking action
Resource:Define Your Values Worksheet
Resource: Set Clear Goals Worksheet
Resource:Money Book List
Resource: Financial Bingo
Insurance & Protection
Protect those important things in your life and what you have worked so hard to build.
Calculator: How much life insurance do you need?
Resource: Charitable giving using Life insurance
Resource: Life insurance 101
Debt happens. Having a plan to repay your debt will go along way in reducing your financial stress & build financial resilience.
Resource: Guide to paying down your debt
Resource: Improving your credit score
Give Back
We can all help to make a difference by giving back.
Kids & Money
Helping kids & the next generation develop good money habits.
Resource: Fun money challenges for kids
Want to crunch some numbers? Check out these super simple calculators.