What’s in a smile?
You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you. --Maya Angelou
Recently in a social post, I shared a childhood photo of my sister and I at our summer lemonade stand. As I looked at that photo, I couldn’t help but see the big smiles on our faces. I reflected on the happiness and joy we felt when people came to our stand and we were able to provide something that brought smiles to their faces. Now, that wasn’t the original intent of our lemonade stand...we wanted to make money!!! But the memory I have isn’t actually about the money, it was about making people smile, helping people on a hot day and offering a service people needed.
Some things never change…
That same big smile was captured in a photoshoot for my website! It’s actually the cover photo on my website now. I couldn’t help but use that photo ~ a little quirky I know and likely not what you normally see on the website of a financial services practice, however it exudes my true joy & happiness being in this business.
What’s in a smile?
Underneath the joy & happiness is a sincere responsibility to build a practice that combines experience, knowledge & expertise with care & compassion.
The financial services industry is governed by strict regulations around clients best interests and as a licensed professional we must uphold professional practices that are in full compliance. We commit ourselves to lifelong learning in our field and as in other industries we continue to evolve our business practices to enhance how we serve our clients.
That immense feeling of responsibility is engrained in who I am and comes from a place of doing the right thing for my clients each day and truly being a trusted partner.
Wow, that got deep! But it is my truth. So beyond the quirky smile, is a continued pursuit to do the things I love doing...making people smile, helping people and offering a service people need.
I love what I do!