Cultivate a positive money mindset and live a confident and joyful life.

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Everyone has a money story. Sometimes your story feels like it is moving powerfully in the right direction and other times you may be wondering how to get your story back on track or how to take your money story to the next level. Trū Insurance and Investment Solutions is an Ontario based financial services practice that was created through a passion to empower people to cultivate a positive money mindset and live a confident and joyful life.

Do you want to:

Worry less and be more confident in your money decisions?

Get more organized with your money so you can have more time to spend on the important things in life – not financial issues? 

Build and preserve the wealth you work so hard to achieve?

Have a one stop shop of experts that can partner with you on all your important money matters – advice, insurance & investment solutions and ongoing service?

Feel heard, explore options and choose what’s best for you and your family?

If this sounds like you, then you are in the right place!


Create your joyful life!

Money can’t buy your joyful life, but it can provide you with choice and options for both now and in the future. You just need the right guide (us), creative solutions and a solid plan to get you there.


Your Partner – Tara Downey

With over 20 years’ experience in financial services both in financial advisory roles and roles on the corporate side of the finance business, it has offered me experiences to see first-hand all the great things and some opportunities in the financial advisory business. It has reinforced that financial advice and partnership in your financial journey is needed now more than ever!

I believe wholeheartedly that having a trusted partner and the value of their advice along the way will help you achieve both a positive money mindset and your financial goals so you can live a confident and joyful life. Hence, how Trū came to life for me. It was time to take my knowledge and experience of 20 years in financial services and do more, have a more meaningful impact.

I am jazzed to have this opportunity. To bring my optimism, hope and genuine care, along with my methodical and solution focused approach to help you navigate your financial journey. I look forward to working with you!

Working with me

It’s about the journey and the destination!

Your money mindset ultimately impacts your health and happiness. Getting mindful about your money will give you the clarity you need to navigate your money story and help you make decisions that leave you with confidence and comfort. The result – a positive money mindset!

Sounds simple, but it does take work.

You don’t get what you want, you get what you work for.

The great part is, we are here to help guide you through the process and work with you along the way.


Our Process

We spend as much time looking at your journey as we do your destination. Both are key to developing a money story that feels right to you.

Let’s get mindful together

We need to understand what your life looks like today and your hopes for the future. When you think about your current financial journey – are you satisfied? What would you change? Together, we will tackle the big picture thinking and the nitty gritty details to ensure there is clarity around all important areas of your life as we move forward.

Then, we take all of this information away, crunch the numbers and come back to you with implementable ideas!

Mapping it out

It’s your money story so choosing your journey is key! There will be options on pace to achieve your goals or different ways to approach your plan. Trade-offs & decisions to make. We will guide you through this and document the ultimate map you choose.

Now, let’s get it in motion – we take action, do the paperwork and try to make this part as painless for you as possible.

Joy stop

Kind of like a pit stop on a long trip - your financial plan needs them too. Sometimes things need tweaking, or you need to change course. Sometimes you just want to enjoy the view or celebrate a milestone. The idea is to not lose sight of the joy – both joy in the journey and the destination. The benefit of having a comprehensive plan is the ability to see your financial picture ongoing and quickly adapt or make changes as things come up. We are partners in this journey and will help you by scheduling regular joy stops or check ins so we can reflect, celebrate or edit your plan.

Looking forward to connecting with you

Book a complimentary discovery meeting today to see if we’re a great fit to partner together on this very important journey!